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KGIS Partners & Sponsors News
KiawahGolfInvestmentSeminars.net helps golfers combine the annual golf road-trip or vacation with enough of an investment education experience to qualify the trip as a tax deduction--- possibly. But Kiawah is far more than just a golf destination.
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What Is The Fair Tax And Why Should You Care?
The U.S. Federal Income Tax Code is a tax on the income of American companies and citizens enacted by the government. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.The purpose of the Tax Code is to provide income for the operation of the government. The Tax Code is found in Title 26 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).Any U.S. citizen who has filled out a federal tax return knows how confusing the current U.S. T...
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Can You Deduct Your Mortgge Payment From Taxes?
As a landlord, you will want to make sure you take advantage of all of the tax benefits you can receive by owning a property. There are many other deductions than just the obvious ones. Expenses incurred to cancel a lease, reimbursements to renters for expenses that they have incurred and many others exist. Make sure you are taking advantage of all of the expenses you have.Interest. Mortgage interest payments on the loan to purchase the rental property are a deductible co...
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Congress Enacts New Laws Making Iras Better Than Ever!
Have you heard of the non-deductible IRA? I'm not referring to the ROTH IRA, but a traditional IRA that many people are stuck with as their only option (for various reasons that make investing in other types of IRAs unavailable).In those cases, the IRS allows you to contribute to a traditional IRA, but NOT take a tax deduction for it.You still get tax-deferred growth, but during retirement your earnings (interest and capital gains) will be taxed, but not the contrib...
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Wealth Building Tips from Drew
The wealthiest and most successful people dont run themselves ragged. They stop long before running out of steam, taking small- and large-scale breaks to re-charge when needed. You cant do your best thinking when youre running at 80 percent. Take at least two or three three-day weekends each quar
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Views are Spectacular Off the Beaten Path
There are many reasons why its so hard to get ahead in today's world, but the problem start in our way of thinking about finances.
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Uneducated Tax System v. Educated Tax System
If you are making $35,000 a year this could save you up to $10,000. That means it does not matter if you are making millions of dollars or a few thousand dollars. These strategies apply to you!
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The Two Biggest Thieves In Regards To Wealth Building
Tax deductions and Lawsuits are the two biggest thieves in regards to wealth building, learn how to defend yourself.
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Tax Deductions For Home Based Businesses
A big advantage of working from home is the tax benefits of operating a home based business. Working from home allows you to deduct portions of bills that you are already paying to live there.You can deduct home expenses if you actually work in your home. It is easiest to do this if you have a room set aside for your business. Figure out how bit that room is in proportion to the house, and you can deduct expenses using that percentage.For example, if your place of doi...
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Smart Yearend Planning - Tax Deductions
There are three main areas we need to keep in mind as the year ends, and remember to revisit the idea of converting your 10 largest expenses
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Heads up on co-signing loans
Be wary of the dangers behind cosigning loans. You may think you're helping your child buy his first car, but the facts go deeper than that.
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Entity Structuring
Entity structuring is the use of limited partnerships, limited liabilities, and corporations. These can help you accomplish three things:
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Embrace Tax
EMBRACE TAXI know you hate tax. Everyone hates tax. You work every week, do a few extra hours and see a chunk of it taken away in taxes. It doesnt seem worth it. Why should you work those extra hours just to be taxed at a higher rate and never see any benefit?Minimising tax is a national sport. Everyone is trying to get tax deductions, salary sacrificing, retirement plans, you name it. If theres a deduction to be had chances are you are trying to find it to red...
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Should You Get A Home Equity Loan When Refinancing?
Among the most economical lending solution available today are home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Depending on your personal financial situation, some of the interest can be used as a tax deduction. They are generally flexible and generally offer you the best rates available. There are a lot of advantages to a home equity loan. However, be sure to refinance with extreme caution. There are two different types of home equity loans. The actual loan usua...
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Pay yourself first
Schools do not teach thrift: college, high school, junior highour system doesnt place a high priority on frugality. And what a shame. We should put money aside regularly using a simple systempay yourself first.
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Donating Your Car To Charity
Quick tips on what you need to know if you're considering donating your car to a charity in exchange for a tax deduction. The IRS has implemented strict new rules concerning car donations. You must pay close attention to the new Significant Use and Material Improvements clauses.
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Internet Marketing: Get Your Tax Money Back
Tax deductions for business expenses arent just for large corporations. As an Internet marketer or online entrepreneur it is important to know what you can and cannot deduct to save money on your taxes.People new to business taxes tend to fall into one of two groups. The first group are those people who simply dont believe they can be eligible for tax deductions. The second group are those who believe anything they touch while conducting business can be written off as a...